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Data Recovery Services

Displaying 4 Results

What my Customers say

    Thamer was amazing! Really professional, helpful and informative! He went above and beyond and I'm so happy with everything! Definitely going back if anything goes wrong in the future!

    Jac Antcliff Avatar Jac Antcliff
    September 8, 2017

    positive review  Hey Tee!! Thank you for fixing my storage problem, my mac is faster and more secure!!

    Deema Salka Avatar Deema Salka
    August 23, 2019

    Had a great experience with thamer very professional and did a great job getting the memory from my dropped hard drive A+

    Kellee Newey Avatar Kellee Newey
    October 17, 2017

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No worries! My services go beyond recovering data and range from repairing laptops and mobile phones to network performance and security. Let me know what you’re looking for. If I can’t help, maybe I could recommend someone who could.



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